Branch Metrics is a reliable mobile linking and measurement platform. Branch is working to drive growth, engagement, and revenue across every marketing channel with the industry’s leading mobile deep linking and attribution platform.

Branch + Pear
Pear met Branch’s founders, Alex, Mada, and Mike, through Stanford Venture Studio. We quickly realized they were outliers and working on something special. We helped them recruit a freshman, Dmitry, who became Branch’s Founding Engineer. Our team helped the founders whiteboard product ideas, and after several major product pivots, they landed upon deep linking. Branch now powers cross-channel growth and attribution for more than 50% of the top 200 apps. We served as active board members since day one, and we’re now board observers. We’ve worked closely with the Branch team during each fundraising round providing coaching and investor introductions.
Company Details
B2B SaaS
Pear Investment
Current Stage
Series E
Palo Alto, CA

The Pear team believed in us from the beginning and was instrumental in our early success. From helping us get early customers and providing product feedback, mentorship, and support to helping us fundraise and scale to a unicorn and beyond, Pear has been extremely supportive through the ups and downs of building a company.
Mada Seghete
Co-founder, Branch

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