Welcome Vivien Ho!

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Welcome Vivian Ho

Vivien is a Principal on Pear’s investment team. At Pear, Vivien invests in founders who are mission-driven and who hope to improve the world we live in with technology. She brings her love for building communities through launching Pear’s Founder Circles starting with female technical founders. 

She joined Pear full time after getting her MBA from The Wharton School, where she studied Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Healthcare Management. She learned the ropes of venture capital as a Pear Fellow at Penn’s campus for two years. During her MBA, she interviewed healthtech leaders as the co-host of The Pulse Podcast by Wharton Digital Health and lead Community and Social for 600+ Wharton Entrepreneurship Club members.

Prior to business school, Vivien worked on BizOps, New Products and Growth for Airbnb, and was a consultant at The Boston Consulting Group focused on defining innovation and growth strategies for leading healthcare, consumer and technology companies. She received a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering at Northwestern University.

“Pear is where all brilliant founders should go when they have a passion to solve a problem, an MVP and are in between the 0 to 1 stage. The team works tirelessly together to support the founder through both the greatest and most challenging times.

I wanted to join and learn from a team that puts founders first and supports one another like a family.”

Outside of work, Vivien loves spending time in the outdoors, skiing on fresh powder, cycling through California’s hills, cooking Taiwanese food, and admiring art in all forms.

Connect with Vivien on Twitter @vivho or come say hi in our San Francisco office! 

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